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Read the extraordinary story of how a girl with childlike faith embarked on a journey like no other . . . and received a detailed glimpse into Heaven itself.
Splash in the River of Life and see the scars on Jesus’ hands as Daleen recalls her remarkable visit to the place that felt – more than anything – like home.
Hi, I am Daleen. I’m happy you found your way here. If you are reading this, you should know it is simply the result (manifestation) of taking that first step. If you take the first step, Jesus will help you with the rest!
I spent most of my adult life living with an experience that many people didn’t know. I spent my days being a wife, mother, and real estate agent. I spent years suppressing what I knew God had told me to do. Writing “A Child’s Glimpse of Heaven” was very personal to me, and I felt unqualified. After all, who was I to write a book? I had no experience in that area.
So, after years of writing notes and tucking them away, I knew with certainty, now is the time for you to hear what God showed me.
Is God is calling you to do something, and you feel unqualified? So did I. Let me encourage you to take that first step. God qualifies the unqualified! People need to hear what you have to say.
I hope you find peace and encouragement through sharing the experience that forever changed my life.